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His Life & Career - Reginald Perrin - Rising Damp

Reggie Online: The Official Reginald Perrin web site

Scene-by-Scene Guide, including DVD Captures Gallery

Series Two, Episode One
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Reginald Perrin is now remarried to Elizabeth, but is still acting out the part of Martin Wellbourne, Reggie's long-lost friend from Brazil. He works at Sunshine Desserts, as co-ordinator of the Reginald Perrin Memorial Foundation, an idea of C.J.'s to make all the employees happy. Martin is not one of them. He is fed up at having to behave differently and talk differently.

Episode One:

Scene 1: It is Monday. Elizabeth is concerned that Martin is not happy. He isn't. Martin Wellbourne leaves the house with as many different mannerisms from Reggie as he can, and sets off to work.

Link: Outside Sunshine Desserts, he lets out his hatred of being Martin Wellbourne, and a telephone engineer is so startled by the outburst that he falls into his manhole.
Scene 2: Reggie enters his office, where he remembers to call Joan 'Miss Greengross' and only just remembers not to throw his umbrella at the hatstand like Reggie used to do. He still gives Joan his excuse for the lateness of the train, now seventeen minutes late. He dictates a letter to the College of Industrial Psychology explaining the purpose of the Foundation, but gets distracted by Joan's legs. David Harris-Jones knocks and enters for his monthly chat with Martin. David is enjoying working on the new Nut Whirl range immensely and has even joined the Sunshine Singers. He tells Martin he is much more self-confident, but then retracts it as not his place to say whether he is or not. Tony Webster enters, and Martin stands for his superior. Tony tells Martin that production is down while absenteeism is up. He delegates to Martin the task of telling C.J., but C.J. is absent sick.
Link: Martin leaves Sunshine Desserts and lets out another outburst about hating his alter ego. Again, the telephone engineer falls into his hole.
Scene 3: Back home in Coleridge Close, Martin is greeted by Elizabeth and handed a dry Martini, a drink Reggie hates. A plane's engines drowns out their conversation and Reggie wonders who was on board. He asks what's for tea and is told mutton casserole, a meal Reggie hates. Elizabeth asks Martin if he is happy, and Martin falsely assures her that he is.
Scene 4: Martin and Elizabeth are walking alongside a river on a summer's evening. Martin's false beard starts to come off and he has to walk quickly away while he sticks it back on, claiming it's an attack of indigestion in the face.
Scene 5: Tuesday morning. Outside Sunshine Desserts Martin apologises to the telephone engineer for his outbursts yesterday. The engineer accepts his apology and asks who the 'Martin' he referred to actually was. Martin says it is himself, and the engineer fall into his hole for a third time.
Scene 6: In C.J.'s office, Martin tries to tell him about the fall in productivity and rise in absenteeism, but C.J. keeps interrupting him to ask Martin about the Foundation and his own new-found philosophy based on "loyalty and happiness". A plane thunders overhead, and C.J. remarks about being on the flightpath again. Martin wonders who was on board. Eventually Martin tells C.J. his news and also the results of the questionnaires recently distributed to employees to determine what is liked and disliked about the company. The dislikes include the furniture, the factory, the product, and C.J. C.J. remembers his new philosophy, and dismisses them as "mere bagatelles".
Scene 7: Martin confides in Joan that all the business about making people happy is making him miserable. He decides to finish early, just as Owen Lewis from the Crumbles Department comes in for his monthly chat.
Scene 8: Reggie is at Tom and Linda's home. Linda knows who her father really is, and he asks her if she could do him a big favour and tell her mother the truth. Linda knows that Elizabeth knows he is really Reggie, but she doesn't let on to her father. After Reggie has left Linda's she telephones her mother, but Tom walks in from the garden so she has to hang up.
Scene 9: Linda has to ring Elizabeth from a public call box, and warn her that Martin is about to tell her he's really Reggie in disguise.  A man in a long, dirty raincoat waits outside. Linda is convinced he is a heavy breather. He is.
Scene 10: Back at home, Martin asks about supper, and is told it's boiled silverside, another meal Reggie hates. Elizabeth realises he is finding it hard to start his confession and she helps him out, telling him he has the look that Reggie used to have. He finally tells her the truth and Elizabeth pretends to faint in surprise. Watch video
Scene 11: Reggie is now back as Reggie, but is nervous at having to meet the family all over again. Elizabeth mentions her mother, but Reggie can no longer see her as a hippopotamus. The doorbell rings, and Reggie runs off upstairs. Tom, Linda and Jimmy arrive, but Mark is touring Africa playing 'No Sex Please, We're British' to the Masai. Jimmy has his thumb in a bandage and his arm in a sling. He has been forcibly retired from the Army and has caught his thumb in the labour exchange door. Elizabeth explains the mystery, and Reggie enters shyly. Linda pretends to be surprised, Jimmy says he knew there was something strange about it all, and Tom is angry at giving 50p to the church collection at Reggie's memorial service.
Scene 12: Wednesday morning, and Reggie is relieved at having no more pretence in front of his wife. But he still has to don his wig and beard before he sets out to work.
Scene 13: Reggie is very happy to arrive at work seventeen minutes late, and dictates an order to Joan for 165 saucy calendars. Joan called him 'Mr. Perrin' when he walked in and Reggie has only just realised. She kisses him like she used to kiss Reggie, but C.J. walks in, telling him to go and see the re-recruited Doc Morrissey on his first day. He tells Reggie he has got lipstick on his face, and Reggie removes it. After C.J. leaves, Joan starts to kiss Reggie again, and C.J. walks back in to find them in a passionate embrace. Reggie explains it as a new idea to be extra friendly to members of the opposite sex. C.J. leaves again and Joan advances again, but Reggie pushes her away and asks her when she realised who he was. Joan threatens to tell C.J. who he really is, a blackmail for him to have a relationship again, but Reggie knows she'd never be able to tell C.J. anyway, and leaves for his check-up with the Doc.
Scene 14: Doc Morrissey is back in his old surgery, and back reading his naughty magazines when Reggie knocks and enters. He mistakenly tells Doc that it's nice to see him again, and quickly remembers that Martin has never seen him before. The Doc starts his check up, by telling him to say "aah" and "99" while asking him questions about his job. He tells Reggie to go behind the screen for a urine sample, but Reggie says it's too cold. Doc realises he's Reginald Perrin and goes off to tell C.J. Reggie rushes behind the screen to fill his sample bottle.
Scene 15: Doc Morrissey and Reggie are in C.J.'s office. C.J. is disgusted at Reggie's story and sacks him on the spot. He calls Doc Morrissey an idiot for revealing the truth and sacks him as well.
Scene 16: Reggie has arrived back home and is pleased to tell Elizabeth about his sacking. She is worried about him getting another job, but he reassures her that he should have no trouble, with his qualifications, experience, application, skill, dynamism and sense of purpose.
Link: Reggie is sweeping out the muck from a sty at a pig farm.

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