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Scene-by-Scene Guide, including DVD Captures Gallery

Series Two, Episode Six
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Episode 6:
Caption: "More and more success for Grot. Reggie now employing CJ, Elizabeth, Joan, Tony & David."
Scene 1: Before Reggie leaves for work, he confides in his cat Ponsonby how he is fed up with his success, and how he is to try to destroy Grot, namely by recruiting totally unsuitable people for key roles in the company.
Scene 2: In his office, Joan enters and announces the arrival of Doc Morrissey. She shows him in and welcomes him with open arms. Doc tells him how he has been struck off the Medical Register for gross professional incompetence. Reggie offers him the job of Head of Forward Planning, and they go out for lunch.
Scene 3: In the local pub, Reggie is at the bar buying a drink for him and Elizabeth. An Irish labourer makes a humorous passing remark, and Reggie returns to speak to him. His name is Seamus Finnegan and he relates to Reggie his place of employment - the Climthorpe slip relief feeder road - and how his horse-racing system has today failed him. Reggie offers him a job as the new admin. officer, Seamus takes it and also takes a large brandy to celebrate.
Scene 4: Reggie, Elizabeth, Tom, Linda, Adam and Jocasta are couped up in Reggie's car on the seafront promenade on the south coast. It is overcast and very windy - a typical British summer holiday. Tom and Linda are arguing about leaving the children behind while he and Reggie go to the pub. They get bored with looking at the same bit of miserable, freezing sea and drive off to see another bit instead.
Link: Driving through the coastal town, two hitchhikers are thumbing a lift. Reggie calls them social parasites and drives past. The hitchhikers stick their fingers up at the car.
Scene 5: They arrive on a coastal car park to the sound of Adam telling the family that Jocasta's wet her knickers. Elizabeth and Linda wrap up and go off for a walk. Reggie sees the chance to offer Tom a job at Grot as Head of Publicity.
Scene 6: As they drive home, Adam proudly announces that he's done "big jobbies" and Reggie stops the car and walks off. Tom gets in the driving seat and leaves Reggie on the side of the road. Reggie ends up thumbing a lift, and sticks his own two fingers up when the drivers refuse to stop. By coincidence, Jimmy drives past and invites Reggie to have a look at the location of his private army. He blindfolds Reggie until they arrive.
Scene 7: They arrive at a disused, run-down farm where Jimmy points out haystacks, milk urns and horses stables which he proclaims are full of ammunition. They are empty. He shouts for his colleague Clive 'Lofty' Anstruther, but he has gone, and so has all the money from the safe. Reggie has the idea of making Jimmy Head of Creative Thinking.
Scene 8: All the new recruits are assembled in the Grot conference room where Reggie is briefing recruits new and old on the current state of Grot. Reggie then calls on his new unsuitables, hoping for silence all round, but is disappointed. Seamus turns out to be an organisational genius, Jimmy has made a great machine, Tom has created some snappy slogans and even Doc Morrissey has had some good ideas.
Link: Cash registers ring, Jimmy's useless machines sell like hotcakes, Grotmeister lorries travel the continent, and Seamus Finnegan continues to show Reggie his genius for administration.
Scene 9: At home, Elizabeth is anxiously awaiting the broadcast of the first Grot television commercial, featuring a couple extolling the virtues of biscuit tins and old cardboard boxes going up in price in the Grot sale, and of "huge increases all round". Reggie watches it painfully and switches off the TV as soon as it ends. Elizabeth congratulates Reggie on his knack for employing the right people, despite having her doubts at first, thinking that maybe, just maybe, he was intending to destroy the firm. After Elizabeth has gone up to bed, Reggie tells Ponsonby what he must do - sack the lot of them.
Scene 10: Next morning, Reggie is talking to himself in his office, practising the dismissal of Tom. Tom arrives but Reggie can't go through with it, for Linda's sake. He sends for Jimmy, but can't sack him for Elizabeth's sake. He pretends he has received a medical report for Doc Morrissey, but the Doc thinks it's Reggie's report, gives him a bottle of aspirins, tells him to see a doctor, and leaves. Seamus sees through Reggie's ploy, and Reggie ends up giving him a pay rise. Thus failing brilliantly in not sacking anybody. Joan enters, and Reggie tells her his thoughts about the future of Grot, of Reggie and of Joan. He also tells her, publicly, for the first time, that the only thing left to do is to start behaving eccentrically.

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